35+ Years of Experiences & Lessons
Many of the insights shared below come directly from Venel’s daily interaction with our business-minded client partners. Each day, our clients freely share their challenges, trust us to work closely with them in designing solutions, and allow us to share in their successes. These experiences and lessons have afforded us the opportunity to share our insights with you.
Orthopaedic Market Leaders
Over our tenure, we have run across a number of exceptional orthopaedic practice leaders. We have seen both providers and non-providers, male and female, young and old alike, that pull their organizations through the same turbulent waters as their competitors, but land, more often than not, on islands of success. And not only do they lead their organizations, but they end up leading their market—for in leadership driven markets, there is often a leader at a practice that is driving the entire market forward.
Thriving Orthopaedic Leadership
When we look at orthopaedic practices that are out-performing their competitors, we see a number of characteristics that are directly driven by the leadership of the practice.
Individual Vs. Group Orthopaedic Marketing
When doctors practice in a group setting, it has its advantages, and with those advantages, there are inherent challenges. Group decision-making leverages the strength of all partners and supports the organization, knowing some decisions can come at the expense and interest of any one individual doctor.
Marketing in a Private Equity Environment
Have Governance Documents on the Promotion of Cutting-Edge Treatments
The Value of Being Named a ‘Top Doc’ in Your Area
Determine the Value in Sponsorships
How to Improve and Maintain a Positive Online Reputation
Interactive Communications—Successes, Failures, and Insights for Orthopaedists